Time to Buy New Uniforms

My kids' school merged with another Catholic school and will now be under the Diocese. It's good news in my opinion since it means that there will be more money spent on each kid. When it was still under the Parish, the school depended on the extra money from the Parish; now that it's under the Diocese, I am hoping it'll mean more money for the school.

Anyway, the name was changed but the good news is that my kids will stay in the same building. The bad news is that they need new uniforms. In fairness, the kids can use the old uniform for two years but I opted for the kids to have the new uniforms and I know most of the kids will wear those too. My little boy will be in 1st grade and he will have to wear what looks like mens ties! He looked so cute when he tried his new uniform.
I really think that having a school uniform is less expensive. Yes, it does cost more at first but through the year, new clothes are not needed. It also doesn't put pressure on kids to have 'nice' and brand name clothes.
Now, one more month of chaos and then freedom again! LOL

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