Do You Have a Post with a Halloween Theme?

If you have a blog post about Halloween, I want to invite you to add your blog to my Mr.Linky list in my other blog Definitely Maybe. It could be a scary story, a photo of your Halloween decorations, Jack o'Lanterns, your kids or pet wearing a Halloween costume or even you in a Halloween costume. Anything goes as long as it is Halloween themed.

These are our Jack o'Lanterns. I carved the one on the left and my daughter did the one on the right. I helped her out with the trees. This is her second year carving pumpkins with an elaborate design. She gets frustrated easily but she is getting better. I still had to help my son finish his pumpkin. I spent a couple of hours carving the Grim Reaper design. I wish I have the right carving tools for this. I'll have to be on the lookout for these to go on SALE!


2 shared thoughts:

DhoyM said...

Hi Babette, those are gorgeous!! Artist ka pala.

Carlota said...

wow- you are really good.

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