Mommy Moments #6 - Feeding Time

This week's theme is feeding time. I found this photo of my daughter when she was 11 months and eating a huge cookie. It was our first trip to New England and was visiting dh's family. Almost all of of her baby photos are hardcopies so I don't have much in my hardrive. My son meanwhile has tons of photos obviously. Both my kids were breastfed. I fed them arroz caldo, sinigang, tinola and nilaga the moment they can take in solids. They are not fussy eaters. I taught them to eat whatever is served for dinner. Their favorite veggies are spinach and brocolli. They both love to eat Sushi just like their dad.

Mommy Moments


9 shared thoughts:

Enchie said...

I also want to train my kid/my future kids to eat whatever is served on the table. That is a good traning mommy. And you have such lovely kids.

Genefaith said...

nice's a nice training to make our kids eat whatever is served specially veggies.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Love the pictures! The 'rule' in our house is to eat what's served for dinner, too...sometimes it takes the Little Princess a couple of hours to finish (with much protesting), but she finally does...(grin!!)

Chris said...

great job mommy! you were able to train them to eat whatever is served! i hope my kids will be like that in the future!

Michelle said...

Sounds like your kids are good eaters. That's great. Adorable pictures. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my place.

Twinkie said...

What big cookie she got there! :)

Your menu is a carbon copy of mine. Even when my daughter started to become picky, I still made her eat what is served on the table. I never forced her to finish everything though. But I show her how happy I am everytime she does it.

Your children are beauties. :)

Twinkie Calls

nanaygin said...

All the dishes you've listed are also the first dishes I gave my princess when she started eating solid. She especially love to eat arroz caldo.

Mommy Jes said...

nice kids you have! my daughter doesnt eat beggies unlike my son =)

Joy0z said...

Hi Mama Barbs musta? Diko pa talaga naumpisahan tong Mommy MOmments na to hehe. Such a cutie baby you have talaga.

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