An Easter EGGsplosion

Colored Easter eggs

Eggs, eggs everywhere! Real eggs, colored eggs, chocolate eggs, malted eggs, Jelly Belly eggs, etc. My kids love Easter, they always look forward to the Easter egg hunt and coloring eggs. Of course, they also know the 'real meaning' of Easter and they celebrated with their classmates by going to mass on Holy Thursday. My son's class, along with pre-K3 through grade2 had an Easter egg hunt in the school grounds. He was so excited when he told me that the Easter bunny went up to him and smiled. :o)

Eggs in colored water

Here in our household, we always color eggs for Easter. They both enjoy it and no, it's not messy at all. If there are any color stains, it'll just be on my kids fingers. I also make sure they're wearing an old shirt and I laid out pages of newspaper on the table.

Easter eggs with candy

One other Easter tradition we have is an Easter egg hunt inside our house. A's eggs are the ones that are high up while T's are the ones on the floor or wherever he can read it. The kids also have an egg hunt at their grandparent's backyard although I don't think I'll enjoy it this year since it is only in the 40's. BRRRR!

How about you? How do you celebrate Easter?


5 shared thoughts:

Mizé said...

My Ec logo is here today :)
A good Easter Sunday!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

my boys enjoy the egg hunt that our li'l town held, and they enjoy putting stickers on their colored egg, husband found this egg coloring where all you have to do is mix it in water ,then dipped the egg,so it's not messy either.
Happy Easter!!!

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

cool and colorful eggs.. maybe ill think of an easter activities when my baby grows a little more.. i think it could fun =)

Twinkie said...

I hope we could do this next year! Great idea!

Joy0z said...

Ang saya saya ng Easter Hunt nyo ah. Try ko rin yang coloring eggs nayan sa susunod.

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