Choices, choices

It's time for me to start thinking of my future. Should I go back to my old career or get a new one? Right now I'm leaning towards a new career. Even though my old career is a very stable one, I don't think I want all the pressure that comes with it. I have to start looking at my choices and maybe even go back to school or get an online degree. With the cost of college education, I want to be able to help dh when it's time for our kids to get a degree.


1 shared thoughts:

Pinoy Smile said...

the question is: "Should I go back to my old career or get a new one?"

the answer is: "Right now I'm leaning towards a new career."

very good reason: "Even though my old career is a very stable one, I don't think I want all the pressure that comes with it."

Be brave. Leap into the unknown, but with FAITH!

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