Shopping for Growing Kids

Do you find that the clothes you bought your kids a couple of months ago does not fit anymore? I tell you, my kids are growing like weeds. The capri pants that my daughter wore just once last summer does not fit her anymore. Her jeans are shorter, same with my son. In a way I'm glad that they're going to be taller than I am since the average height for women in the US is more than 5'4". I'm way below that number. My daughter will be reaching 5' soon enough. That's why when I shop for pants, I try to get the next size over even though it's a little bit loose. Most pants nowadays have adjustable waists. That way I save money in the long run. I also look online for a Sale and coupons for some amount off or even free shipping. I usually find good deals at and some other similar sites. If you're not familiar with, you can view their video advertisements at YouTube. They have Howie Mandel as their spokesperson and he delivers funny videos. So back to my kids, their old clothes goes to the kids of my friends so it doesn't go to waste. In fact, my good friend Lanie gave me some of her son's old clothes. Do you recycle your kids' old clothes or do you donate it to a charity organization?


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