Field Trip Through History

A couple of weeks back, dh and I were among the parent chaperones for A's field trip to Boston. It wasn't a perfect day for a field trip but we all enjoyed it. The 3rd and 4th graders of St. Marys school went on the Freedom Trail. So what is the Freedom Trail? From Wikipedia: The Freedom Trail is a red (mostly brick) path through downtown Boston, Massachusetts that leads to 16 significant historic sites.

The kids already went through half of the Freedom trail last year so this year, we went through the other half. The tour was led by a tour guide who wore period costume as you can see from the photo. He said that his name is Jeremiah Poof, I don't know if it;s just a stage name but the kids found it funny. He's a very good tour guide since he kept the attention of the kids (and the parents) with his historical knowledge coupled with funny anecdotes. It was a cold Spring day, it was misting the first hour of the tour but thankfully it stopped. We went through two graveyards and I learned that Mother Goose is a real person! Who would've thunk? Anyway, it was a fun day even though dh and I took the wrong exit going to Boston Common (darn GPS LOL).

After the tour, A went home with us and we picked up T from school. We got home just as the UPS truck was pulling up the driveway. The LCD HDTV we ordered using our airline mileage came. I was so looking forward to this since it is for the master bedroom. A got the old TV we had which was a 32-inch, it replaced the smaller 20-inch she had. Now, I am a happy camper since I like to watch some shows before going to bed.


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