mommy moments #17 - Haircut

                                 T's first professional haircut

When my kids were little, I was the one who cut their hair.  I didn't do a bad job either, I think. ha ha  Son T had his first professional cut in this photo.  As usual, he was good and stayed still.  The hairdresser was surprised considering other boys his age would be moving around. He has some curls in his hair so at first, I always let his hair grow a little longer.  Nowadays though, he sports a shorter cut, very short.  This second photo with his grandfather shows his hair now.  He looks more handsome I think.  But of course, I am very biased. 

Onto other things.  I've been pretty busy with the kids' activities these past few weeks.  Finals are next week and there are a lot of projects for A.  I'm also occupied with research on subjects like starting a vegetable garden and about Mesothelioma cancer.

                                    T with grampy

See more Mommy Moments HERE.


4 shared thoughts:

Genefaith said...

he look so handsome with his short hair and red sweater..

Hyzyd's Diary/
Her and History

jeng said...

He looks like a young man than a young boy at the second picture. He is very good looking : )

Chris said...

you have a very good looking boy! :D

Gin said...

Was able to make it to MM this week..

Truly a handsome boy. I'm sure you're so proud of your little man. :)

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