T had his pre-K4 class field trip to the zoo today. It was supposed to be last Friday but it was postponed because of the rainy weather. I'm glad they postponed it until today because the weather was almost perfect. It was sunny but a little chilly with the weather in the low 60's. There were 6 parent-chaperones, including myself and we each had 3 kids. I had T and his classmates G and C. The kids had fun going around the zoo which was familiar to all of them since they all have been here before with their parents. I guess the main event for them was seeing the elephants since it's all they've been talking about when we came in the zoo. They also enjoyed the wooden cow with the udder. They each got their chance to try to 'milk' the cow. T is shown here milking it. I had to show them how to do it since one has to pull and squeeze it at the same time. After the zoo visit, we all had a picnic at the park nearby and then the kids played for an hour in the newly built playground. This second part of the day was the most tiring for me. Imagine trying to look after three 4 year old running around the huge playset and then add 30 extra kids in the mix. Boy, was I tired. The sun shone so brightly that I probably got a couple of wrinkles from it. I might have to start using some eye creme to combat that.
This is one of the best part of being a SAHM mom, I'm able to chaperone my kids' field trips. I wasn't able to do this with daughter A since T was still at home and needs to be cared for. Now that they're both in school, I have time to join them in their school activities.
This entry was posted on 1.6.09
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Field Trip
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