He's Five

T will turn 5 tomorrow. How time flies. It seems just like yesterday when dh and I went to the hospital since my BP was high. I was induced and out came T. He was a month early so he was in the NICU for a week. Just like other preemies, T caught up pretty fast. You wouldn't even know he was one.

We had his party last Saturday. We got lucky because the weather was perfect that day, great weather for having a moonwalk for the kids. It had been raining constantly the whole week but Saturday was all sun. I had the party a couple of days early because the kids and I are leaving for our month-long vacation in the Philippines. Dh will join us after two weeks. T's friends from school were at the party, along with our family, close friends and neighbors. It was a fun-filled day for sure. He was pooped at the end of the day as you can see from the last photo where he was resting on the entrance to the moonwalk.

To my little boy, Happy 5th Birthday!


1 shared thoughts:

Chris said...

happy birthday! :D i didnt realize our kids are the same age.. Kyla turned 5 this year too

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