Getting the Kids to Help Out

Sometimes, it's easier for moms to do things ourselves. But there are times where we need help in doing stuff around the house. This is especially true during the holidays. Thanksgiving is fast approaching and just thinking about it, makes me tired. I am hosting it for the 5th year in a row. I don't mind doing it because I love to cook and I love hosting parties for families and small groups of friends. For the past couple of years, I assign tasks to my kids to do things around the house. Of course, it's dependent upon their age. For my son, who's only 5 yrs old, he gets to pick up toys and put it away in it's proper storage. For my daughter, who's almost 11, then she gets one that requires a little bit of work. I make her clean the ceramic tiles with the Swiffer mop. She also vacuums the family room since our vacuum is very light. Dh meanwhile is in charge of the other chores that I don't have time to do. So all in all, I have everything covered. Now, I just need to worry about the turkey being done in time...


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