Making Their Lists

My son, he's 5, has already made his Christmas wish list. Every year, we make a list of things we want for Christmas. It's been like this with dh's family; they ask for the list every year. It makes it easier for every one, no more guess work and unwanted gifts. So when I was in Manila for my dad's interment, I was using Skype to chat with dh and the kids, when T showed me this piece of paper. Then he said that he already made his Christmas wish list. I'm glad that there aren't a lot of things in there. I told them that this Christmas, they can only have 2 things from mommy and daddy. He's fine with that since he knows he's also getting gifts from his grandparents and uncles. My daughter, who's not a kid but not yet a teen, is still deciding on what she wants. When she learned that the new ipods has a built-in radio, she said that this might be her Christmas gift from us. I'm still thinking about that since her Zune (a Microsoft MP3 player) is still working great. We'll see what dh and decide. I am planning to start making my Christmas shopping lists very soon. I hope dh doesn't have work the day after Thanksgiving so I can shop for deals. Have you started your Christmas gift shopping?


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