Bone-chilling cold! It is today! Brrrrrrrrrr...... This is the coldest day of the year so far. It is only 14 degrees Fahrenheit - that is below the freaking zero! It's so hard to believe because just two days ago, we had a heatwave. Temps rose to almost 50 degrees but now this... Thank goodness for central heat. Living in this part of the country, having the furnace filter well-maintained is very important.
I blogged about seeing some lines aka wrinkles some time ago and apparently, dh read that post. He commented yesterday that he too needs to find the best anti wrinkle cream that is also not hard on the pocket. Even men need to take care of their skin, well, probably dh and some men and those who fall into the 'metrosexual' category. Dh isn't one, he doesn't get manicures or stuff like that. LOL He looks great for his age though, you wouldn't think he's almost half-a-century in age come later this year. :o)
Like some women out there, I want to lose some weight. Now that I'm in my 40's, I find it difficult to take off extra pounds. Of course, there's the daily exercise which I now get, thanks to EA Sports Active (which I love, love, love!). Now comes the question, should I go on a 'restrictive diet'? I haven't tried any diets so I have no idea which works. I heard of the Atkins diet (kind of scary considering you eat a lot of meat, fat and no carbs) then there's the low-fat diet, the Zone diet, the South Beach diet, the Cookie diet (now this one sounds yummy to me!!) and Nutrisystem. I've been reading a lot of reviews online, including the nutrisystem reviews and it does get confusing!
So for now, I'll keep on my exercise regimen and try to stay off the Haagen Dazs.
When you're a mom or a dad, there are a lot of times where you feel like you are a doctor, and I'm using that term loosely. Kids always go to mommy or daddy when they get hurt or are feeling bad. Being a parent, you need to be ready and on your toes with a bag full of Band-aids, ointments and over-the-counter medicines, maybe even one for hemorrhoid pain relief. But for those times where you have no idea on what to do, is it advisable to go online and 'google' the symptoms and cure? Or should you call the pediatrician's after-hours number and ask?
Oh well, looking at the bright side, it isn't THAT bad! It comes with the territory, I am 44 years old after all. I'll just have to start using an eye cream, not just any regular eye cream, mind you. I want to use the best eye cream that my pocket can afford. I'm going to start at the Good Housekeeping website or some similar sites where they have comparisons of different brands and prices. I believe it's better to start early than wait until I'm in my 60's to slather on this anti-ageing products.
I always get into this dilema every Christmas and birthdays of my in-laws. What presents do we give them when they have almost everything? These past couple of years, we've been giving them photos, albums and calendars. Now, I want to do something different; no, I'm not thinking of photo mugs since they have a cupboard-full of them. I'l actually thinking of giving them something to use with their laptops. I saw these custom mouse pads where you upload a photo and they will print it on a mouse pad. After all, it's the thought that counts, right?
I've been patiently waiting for Spring! It is just too cold this winter and there is too much snow. Well, here in this pic, there's just little but we've had it as high as 16inches. Dh didn't bother to bring in the patio chairs but he did put the outdoor cushions in the attic and the patio umbrella in the basement.
Sometimes, when I have a lull in my day, I would go online and do job searches. I just like to see what jobs are available for someone with my qualifications. It is good to know that there are jobs available if ever I want to go back to the workforce. Thanks to the internet, it is definitely more convenient for someone to look for jobs. There are many websites like - for all sorts of job openings or for IT jobs. As for now, I need to concentrate on raising my kids and running our household.
I swear, health insurance is getting expensive each year. It would be good if the benefits also increased with the price but it seems that you're getting less for what you pay for. This year, we have to use a health savings account where all medical expenses get deducted. When that's all used up, we have to pay it ourselves. I hope and pray that we don't use it all up, so we need to stay healthy and just hope for the best.
In my household, it's in the family room. That's where we have what we want to call our 'home theater'. But we don't use the surround sound with the Wii, it's going to give me a headache for sure! During football Sundays though, dh gets the TV for the whole afternoon, so no Wii for the duration of the day. The kids mostly play the Wii after school so there's usually no problems with that. I don't like to put the Wii in any of the kids' room since dh and I also use it for exercise and some games like Wii Sports and Golf.
My baby girl A turned 11 years old yesterday!! She is now officially a TWEEN! *shudder* She's already been exhibiting tween symptoms for a year now and I know my white hair has been sprouting faster! LOL Pretty soon, before I know it, she'll be starting Driver's Ed! I don't want to think about the car insurance when she starts driving! It'll probably go up the roof!
When do you start planning for your summer vacation? Well, for me, it depends on where we are going. I planned our Europe trip a year before hand. The hotels in some of the cities we went to, like Venice, Rome, Florence and Wengen in Switzerland gets filled fast so I had to make a reservation a year earlier. Can you believe that? Well, if you want to get your room choice, you have to do it but if it's okay for you to sleep in the attic, then you can wait until the last minute. :o)
Anyway, this year, we will be staying close to home. I don't know where to go, maybe somewhere in Maine. We could rent an RV but I don't know if AAA provides rv towing, I have the gold premium membership so I know there's no mile limit to the towing. Well, it's definitely one thing to think about. It would be so nice to finally go camping with my friends and their families.