He Needs It Too!

I blogged about seeing some lines aka wrinkles some time ago and apparently, dh read that post. He commented yesterday that he too needs to find the best anti wrinkle cream that is also not hard on the pocket. Even men need to take care of their skin, well, probably dh and some men and those who fall into the 'metrosexual' category. Dh isn't one, he doesn't get manicures or stuff like that. LOL He looks great for his age though, you wouldn't think he's almost half-a-century in age come later this year. :o)


1 shared thoughts:

Garden Shed for Sale said...

My dad is so annoying. I keep telling him to look after his skin but the truth is, he doesn't and he doesn't seem to need to. He doesn't moisturise, doesn't drink any water, washes his face with water most days and sometimes might stretch to soap. He's 52 and doesn't have a single wrinkle. How is that fair??

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