It was a nice day today, no rain in sight. It is quite unusual considering what the rest of the month has been like. We went to the beach which is less than 10 minutes from our house. Dh went spear fishing with our friend Mike, who's visiting from South Carolina. The kids and I meanwhile just lounged on the beach. There were quite a few people there although we were the only one using a beach umbrella. They are all soaking up the UVA and UVB rays. ha ha The kids had fun running and playing in the sand while I sat on my beach chair under the shade.
Tomorrow, the kids and I are leaving for our 5 weeks vacation in the Philippines. A is feeling a little sad because dh is not joining us until after 3 weeks. She's also the one who is really attached to our home. She felt homesick when we were in Europe for a month last year. She made us promise that next year, we will be staying home. T meanwhile doesn't really think about it much. I know he's going to miss his dad, we all will. That's why I taught dh how to use Skype so we can chat and see each other. I'm sure the kids will love that.
By the time I write my next post, I will be doing it from the Philippines. I just hope the DSL is reliable just like what I am accustomed to here in my home. I think I'm going to use the mobile DSL. I hope the rates are reasonable just like those of the cellular phones.
Wish me luck!
T will turn 5 tomorrow. How time flies. It seems just like yesterday when dh and I went to the hospital since my BP was high. I was induced and out came T. He was a month early so he was in the NICU for a week. Just like other preemies, T caught up pretty fast. You wouldn't even know he was one.
We had his party last Saturday. We got lucky because the weather was perfect that day, great weather for having a moonwalk for the kids. It had been raining constantly the whole week but Saturday was all sun. I had the party a couple of days early because the kids and I are leaving for our month-long vacation in the Philippines. Dh will join us after two weeks. T's friends from school were at the party, along with our family, close friends and neighbors. It was a fun-filled day for sure. He was pooped at the end of the day as you can see from the last photo where he was resting on the entrance to the moonwalk.
To my little boy, Happy 5th Birthday!
At the end of the month, my baby will be 5 years old. Where has time gone? It's hard to believe that he is going to be 5 let alone entering kindergarten this coming school year! I'm planning on having a party for him next weekend. Since we're leaving at the end of the month, I settled on a date that is a couple of days before his actual birthday.
He wanted to have a moonwalk for his party so I rented one for that day. Now all I have to do is wish real hard that it will be a dry day. I am getting anxious since this month has been too wet. It has been raining a lot and I am worried that his party will get rained out. I'm just glad that the moonwalk rental owner is so nice that he said I wouldn't get charged if I decide to cancel it. What a nice person! I'm thankful to my BFF Mira, since she gave me his website.
T's classmates are coming along with our family and close friends. If that day gets rained out then we'd all be inside the house celebrating. If it turns out to be a dry day, then I have some games planned outdoors. I also plan to put some chairs and tables on the back lawn so the parents can sit and relax while watching their kids play. We also have patio furniture on the deck and that sits 6 people. Please let me have a nice day next Saturday, so the kids can have loads of fun! also carries unique toddler clothing They have a lot of brand name clothing. No, not the usual brand like Faded Glory brand but famous brands like Gwen Stefani's Harajuku (love this, too cute prints), famous French designer Christian Audigier, Kids Ink and Crib Rock to name just a few. If you like vintage clothing, they also carry the My Vintage line of clothes.

See more Mommy Moments here.
Last Tuesday was my son's Step-Up Day. They don't call it a graduation for obvious reasons and I agree. They are just starting their education and still have lots to learn. Anyway, whatever it is you want to call it, it was a nice way to end the school year. They give out certificates and the kids performed songs in front of the families. I told dh that I wanted to get there early so we can have a choice of seats. Well, he thought that it will be just a small number of people but he was wrong. Everyone including aunts and uncles were there to see the kids graduate. We got a seat in the 5th row and what's worse is we were on the opposite end of where T was. So what did I do? I got my camera, went around and got a spot on the opposite end right in front of T. I stayed there on my knees the whole time but it was worth it. I wished I had a faster compact flash card since there was a lag between each shot. It was just a second or two so it wasn't bad. T just finished pre-school and I feel so proud. What more when he graduates from the university with a degree? That's in 17 or 18 years, still a lifetime away. For now, I will enjoy him as my sweet little boy.
My son T will have his Step-Up Day tomorrow. He will be in Kindergarten this coming school year. It's not called a graduation for obvious reasons. So what did T accomplish his first year of school? He is now writing and reading on his own. He read his first Dr. Seuss book. Hop on Pop. It's funny because he saw A's name on it and he asked for a pen and wrote his name on the book. He said that it's his now. A has the complete collection of Dr. Seuss books and I'm sure that T will ask me to take it out of A's book case and put it in his own.
T's also excited to have his 5th birthday party this month and he is also looking forward to our summer vacation. We will be leaving for the Philippines at the end of the month where we'll stay for 4 weeks. My parents are already in Manila and my sisters are arriving in the middle of next month. I don't know what present to get for my mom and dad. They're celebrating their 45th anniversary, the main reason why we're all going there. Maybe I'll get my mom a pair of certified diamonds earrings since she likes jewelry or get them tickets to fly to Rome and join us when we go back to the Eternal City. Yay!
This week's theme was suggested by yours truly. :D It's fun to see your child making friends and having a great time. One can only hope that they will be with the right crowd when they're older. I believe that with the proper guidance, they will make the right choices and not fall in with friends that are bad influences. Whether they have a handful of friends or a surplus of friends , I hope that they learn to choose wisely.
My son is shown here with his classmates, one of which is his close friend whose name also starts with the letter T. They are so close that in fact, when his friend T learned that he is going to have a baby brother he wanted to name it the same name as my son. His mom told me just the other day that they will indeed name him after my son. How sweet is that?
This next photo is my daughter with one of her close friends in school. She always comes over every couple of weeks on a Friday to play.
This is my daughter's other friend, also from the same school. There are 4 of them in their group, I don't have a photo of their other friend S.
See more Mommy Moments HERE.
T had his pre-K4 class field trip to the zoo today. It was supposed to be last Friday but it was postponed because of the rainy weather. I'm glad they postponed it until today because the weather was almost perfect. It was sunny but a little chilly with the weather in the low 60's. There were 6 parent-chaperones, including myself and we each had 3 kids. I had T and his classmates G and C. The kids had fun going around the zoo which was familiar to all of them since they all have been here before with their parents. I guess the main event for them was seeing the elephants since it's all they've been talking about when we came in the zoo. They also enjoyed the wooden cow with the udder. They each got their chance to try to 'milk' the cow. T is shown here milking it. I had to show them how to do it since one has to pull and squeeze it at the same time. After the zoo visit, we all had a picnic at the park nearby and then the kids played for an hour in the newly built playground. This second part of the day was the most tiring for me. Imagine trying to look after three 4 year old running around the huge playset and then add 30 extra kids in the mix. Boy, was I tired. The sun shone so brightly that I probably got a couple of wrinkles from it. I might have to start using some eye creme to combat that.
This is one of the best part of being a SAHM mom, I'm able to chaperone my kids' field trips. I wasn't able to do this with daughter A since T was still at home and needs to be cared for. Now that they're both in school, I have time to join them in their school activities.