Are Girls Maturing Too Fast?

I have a pre-teen and have seen some of her classmates start to wear make-up. My daughter asked me a couple of months ago at what age can she start wearing make-up. I answered that we'll talk about it when she's 16 years old. I talked to a girl's mom and she mentioned that she's worried that her daughter is growing up too fast. Her girl came down ready for school one day and was wearing green eyeshadow. She asked her to go back up to her room and take it off.
When is the right time for girls to start wearing make-up? I think Middle School is still too young to start. Plus, I'm worried that using make-up too soon will make us look for the best acne treatment available. Geez...time flies by so fast!

Busy as a Bee

I need at least 5 extra hours in a day during this Christmas season. Really! I'm sure other moms out there feel the same way. Aside from maintaining the household and paying bills and searching online for cheap auto insurance companies (since the rates here in the state where I live is horrendous!), there are the kids' school and extra-curricular activities too! I'm still not finished with my Christmas shopping. ugh... Breathe.. That's what I need to do right now. I'm sure I'll get everything done sooner or later. Well, I hope it's sooner, don't you?

A New Science Teacher

It has only been 3 months into the school year when we heard that my daughter's science teacher and the 8th grade's homeroom adviser is quitting. What a surprise! It's sudden and from what I've heard is that she is a new grandmother. Taking care of your grandchild is a good enough reason to retire, especially with the high cost of child care. Now, the new science teacher is a man who likes to wear bow ties. He reminds me of a professor in the Harry Potter movies since he also likes to wear scarves. He was a high school teacher and when he retired from teaching, he was a teacher in a Catholic school too. I hope he is as good as he is on paper. My daughter is in Middle school and she needs a very good foundation in the sciences to succeed in high school.

Gaining Weight Over the Holidays

Okay, Thanksgiving just passed and so far so good. No major weight gain to report. Yes! But it is just the start of the holiday season so no reason to celebrate yet, it is too early. The key is moderation, try a little bit of everything but not too much! Or else, you'd be searching how to lose weight fast in Google. hahaha

Hair Hair Hair

Is it true that one gets their kind of hair from the mother? Or something like, the son gets his hair from the mother's side. So if your mom's dad is bald, then you will probably be bald later in life, if you're a guy. I heard this from my husband. It's kind of true, when looking at my relatives and his family. My husband still has a full head of hair and if you look at his dad, his hair is thinning while the grandfather in his mom's side of the family has a full head of hair. I'm just glad that he has a lot of hair and not like his childhood and highschool friends who already had to buy hair loss products. I wonder if this myth holds true for women? Gosh, I hope not since my mom has thin hair. Well, if it does, I will surely head to the drug store to get some for myself.

Are They Getting Everything They Need?

If you are a parent, then I'm sure you experienced a time when one child becomes picky with food.

I am having that problem right now. My 6-year old son is so picky these days. I still cook the same dishes that he 'used' to like and eat. Nowadays he wouldn't even touch it or try a little bite. What happened to this little guy? I do not want him to eat sandwiches everytime he doesn't like what is on the table and I will not cook a special meal just for him. Dh said that he is just going through a phase, I hope he doesn't stay long in it or else it will drive me crazy. I give him multivitamins just so that he will not lack those important nutrients. Do you have a picky eater in your household? Have they grown out of it or not?

How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Another year, another Thanksgiving has passed. This was my Thanksgiving table this year. Doesn't it feel 'fallish'? :) I purchased those leaf placemats at Walmart, it's on sale too. Yay! I made a traditional Thanksgiving feast, roast brined turkey plus all the trimmings. And yes, I made my own jellied cranberry, not from the can, thank you.

Now the Christmas holidays or should I say madness, begins. I always get this feeling that everything moves fast after Thanksgiving. How many more days till Christmas? Shopping days are quickly dwindling. Thank goodness for online shopping is all I can say. :)

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