H1N1 Flu Shot

I finally got it! I'm the last one in my family to get this H1N1 shot. I was supposed to get it the same time as dh but I remembered they said that you need at least a month between the time you got your regular flu shot and this Swine flu shot, so I had to wait. Good thing I did because I was able to get it from my primary care doctor's office and this will be covered by my insurance. Dh meanwhile got it from Walgreens and he was told that it wasn't covered by insurance. (?) The kids already got theirs, but they had the nasal spray type which of course made my daughter very happy! If you are interested in getting this kind of flu shot, you can go to Google and search for clinics in your area. That's why I love Google, you can search for almost anything, even for auto insurance quote.


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