I Need a Big Push

Okay, I really need an exercise partner. Someone who is in the same boat as I am, wanting to shed those extra pounds, and someone who doesn't talk too much. You know what I mean, there are people who likes to talk and talk and talk, you can barely get one word in. We have a treadmill in the basement along with a weight machine and some Total Body thingy that dh bought. It would be nice if we can get an elliptical machine. I saw those ellipticals at a TV ad for a local gym. I wonder if it's more effective than the treadmill? The ad say that it is but of course, all ads will say anything for you to buy their product. After this trip to Manila, I am seriously considering getting back on the wagon, so to speak. I fell off the wagon when we had our vacation to Disney World this last Winter Break. I hope I'll get that extra push that I need to jumpstart my derailed exercise regimen.


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