Dreaming of Warm Weather

Well, it's not really THAT cold today, we reached the high 30's. yipee!! Seriously, I'm dreaming of warm weather. I probably have cabin fever but it's early and winter is not even half way over. I miss the Philippines, except for the air pollution and the traffic, of course. This photo was taken from the beach property that my mom owns. We are planning to build a beach house sometime this year. I cannot wait for it to start.

The kids are always asking me when we'll go back for a visit to the Philippines. They love the water because it's so warm. It is fun to go on vacation there but the expense is just enormous. We also don't have family who live nearby who can check on our house. We'll probably have to start looking at security cameras so next time we have a long vacation, we can at least check on the house remotely using the internet.


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